Take Action to Protect Voting Rights and Election Integrity

Protect voters in Pennsylvania!

Today, the Pennsylvania Senate will vote on two Constitutional amendments which could erode voting rights and election integrity.

  • SB 1 would create additional voter ID requirements in a state with already strict voter ID law: Pennsylvanians must currently present a government-issued or student ID when they register to vote, or vote at a new location. As such, there is already a system in place to confirm voter identity. The justification for tightening voter ID rules is to prevent fraud. But significant voter fraud, especially voter impersonation, is virtually nonexistent. What this bill WILL do is make our elections harder to access for older voters, low-income voters, voters of color, voters with disabilities, and voters with limited access to technology.

    Furthermore, requiring voter ID does not require a constitutional amendment. Voter ID can - and should be - a change that is legislatively enacted by amending the Election Code.

  • SB 130 would require that elections be audited by the PA Auditor General: The Pennsylvania Department of State is the office with election oversight. They already conduct risk-limiting audits to help affirm the integrity of the process. This amendment reinforces a lack of trust in election administration at both the county and state levels, and aims to shift power away from actual election officials and place it under the authority of another agency.

LWVPA strongly opposes these proposed bills. Burdensome voter ID requirements would disenfranchise Pennsylvania voters. Additional election audits would reduce trust in the integrity of our elections, which have already shown to be effectively administered and audited. These amendments have been controversial from the start and should not pass a second time.

Please write a letter or call your Senator today to ask them to vote NO on today’s vote.


Statement on Constitutional Amendment Process in PA General Assembly


Statement on Two-Year Anniversary of January 6th Insurrection