LWVPA Celebrates Midterms As Free, Fair, and Secure

The 2022 midterm election in Pennsylvania was free, fair, and secure. Aside from the uncertainty of what will happen with undated or incorrectly dated mail-in ballots, Pennsylvania witnessed a relatively smooth election, which is something to be celebrated.

Early reports have suggested that yesterday's election in Pennsylvania saw particularly
high voter turnout– especially for a midterm election. Across the Commonwealth and the country, voters recognized that their vote and their voice mattered.

The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania would like to acknowledge and thank those who made this election possible. Pennsylvania democracy depends on the work of our election heroes who helped register voters; assisted constituents in accessing the polls, mail ballots and drop boxes; and improved our state’s voting infrastructure. Thousands of Pennsylvanians worked to ensure that all voters had access to free and fair elections in 2022.

Every vote in Pennsylvania deserves to be counted. Accurately counting all votes takes time. While we wait for
final results, let's celebrate the election heroes - poll workers, volunteers, and election officials - who helped make democracy work for Pennsylvania.


Announcing 2022 Impact Report


Notice Regarding Ballot ‘Cure’ Rules in PA Counties